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Watermill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A watermill is a structure that uses a water wheel or turbine to drive a mechanical process such as flour, lumber or textile production, or metal shaping (rolling, grinding or wire drawing). There are two basic types of watermill, one powered by a vertical waterwheel through a gearing mechanism, and the
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Historical Figures Prince of Lanling Gao Changgong(高长恭), whose formal name was Gao Su (高肃)or Gao Xiaoguan(高孝瓘), was also known as Prince of Lanling (兰陵)as Di Renjie - Chinese Amazing Detective of
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Joseph Smith - Wikipedia
Joseph Smith, Jr (Sh , 23 dicembre 1805 – Carthage , 27 giugno 1844) fu un importante leader religioso americano, fondatore e primo Presidente della Chiesa di Gesù Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni , conosciuta anche come chiesa mormone . Firma di Joseph Smith Jr. All'età di 24 anni pubblicò
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