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Berau Coal Energy Tbk PT (BRAU.JK) People Reuters
Name Description Sofyan Abdul Djalil Mr. Sofyan Abdul Djalil serves as President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk. He is a holder of Doctorate in Philosophy degree from Tufts University
Welcome to Adimitra - PT. Adimitra Baratama Nusantara
Welcome to Adimitra PT. Adimitra Baratama Nusantara (ABN) is a fast-growing thermal coal producer from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. First set up in 2005, ABN is a JV between two private groups and is a subsidiary of PT. Toba
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Tambang: Daftar Perusahaan Pertambangan
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Perusahaan Tambang yang beroperasi di Kecamatan Tabang, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur, membutuhkan segera PERAWAT KESEHATAN dengan kualifikasi dan persyaratan sebagai berikut ; Kualifikasi
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