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Titan (Element) – Wikipedia
{syn.} 184,8 min ε 2,062 45 Sc 46 Ti 8,0 % Stabil 47 Ti 7,3 % Stabil 48 Ti 73,8 % Stabil 49 Ti 5,5 % Stabil 50 Ti 5,4 % Stabil 51 Ti {syn.} 5,76 min β − 2,471 51 V 52 Ti {syn.} 1,7 min β − 1,973 52 V Weitere Isotope siehe Liste der Isotope NMR -Eigenschaften Spin γ in rad · T −1 · s −1 E r
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Lowongan Kerja PT Astra International Tbk Terbaru Maret 2014
Lowongan Kerja Astra About PT Astra International Tbk PT. Astra International Tbk - Astra was established in 1957 as a trading company. Over the course of its Management Trainee Budget (Position Code : MT-Budget)
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