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2013/06/01 · List / daftar harga motor Honda bekas Juni 2013 untuk berbagai type motor Honda bekas seperti Beat CW, Blade CW, Astrea Grand, GL Max/Pro, Supra X/Fit, Cs 1/one, Kharisma X, Kirana, Legenda, Mega Pro CW
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Wear plate is a steel with high hardness (above 370 HB) which makes it suitable to extend life time of components such as heavy equipment, Liner Plate, Crusher and other application which, where high corrosion friction happens.
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The series of events will be held from June 3rd, 2013 to June 21st, 2013. For the first and second categories, each class must send participants with a minimum of two people and a maximum of three people to enter the competition.
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