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Matahari adalah bintang di pusat Tata Surya . Bentuknya nyaris bulat dan terdiri dari plasma panas bercampur medan magnet . Diameternya sekitar 1.392.684 km, kira-kira 109 kali diameter Bumi , dan masa (sekitar 2×10 30 kilogram, 330.000 kali massa Bumi) mewakili kurang lebih 99,86% massa total Tata
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The Full Pint -- Mother Earth Brew Co. is pleased to announce that it has entered into a distribution agreement with Stone Distributing to carry and distribute Mother Earth's beers throughout the Stone Distributing Territory. The recent
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Mastodon is an American heavy metal band from Atlanta, Georgia, formed in early 2000 and composed of bassist Troy Sanders, guitarist Brent Hinds, guitarist Bill Kelliher and drummer Brann Dailor. Many of their songs feature progressive concepts and unique instrumentation with a mix of clean vocals and
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