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2010/02/12 · Pumping adalah peristiwa keluarnya air disertai butiran-butiran tanah dasar melalui sambungan dan retakan atau pada bagian pinggir perkerasan, akibat gerakan lendutan atau gerakan vertikal plat beton karena beban lalu
Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations is a platform for academics to share research papers. Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations more by Anthony Gardner Publisher: The South Project Publication Date: 2013 Research Interests:
Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations is a platform for academics to share research papers. Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations more by Anthony Gardner Publisher: The South Project Publication Date: 2013 Research Interests:
Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations is a platform for academics to share research papers. Mapping South: Journeys in South-South Cultural Relations more by Anthony Gardner Publisher: The South Project Publication Date: 2013 Research Interests:
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