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DISCONTINUED Stuhr MP1000F and 4000F Straight Line Sanders. Compact and smooth running for rubbing, sanding and polishing large flat surfaces. Pads are driven by horizontally-opposed pistons. Precision machined slide
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Shea butter is an off- white or ivory-colored fat extracted from the nut of the African shea tree (Vitellaria paradoxa). Shea butter is a triglyceride (fat) derived mainly from stearic acid and oleic acid. It is widely used in cosmetics as a moisturizer, salve or lotion. Shea butter is edible and is used
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Rubbing Out Wood Finishes by Jeff Jewitt If the finish is gummy and loads up the paper in the initial leveling, it's not dry enough. Let it cure longer. Rubbing Out By Hand Using Traditional Materials
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Bareback AO Alles Ohne - Flat Rate Clubs, Parties and
Bareback is now very common in Germany, and I think these clubs and events deserve a thread of their own. There was no such 8 sessions limit when I visited, some guys had 20+ marks on the card. Must be a recent restriction
Bareback AO Alles Ohne - Flat Rate Clubs, Parties and
Bareback is now very common in Germany, and I think these clubs and events deserve a thread of their own. There was no such 8 sessions limit when I visited, some guys had 20+ marks on the card. Must be a recent restriction
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