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Tempat jual-beli mesin bubut baru dan bekas + diskusi seputar mesin bubut. Terbuka bagi siapa saja yang ingin jual mesin bubut atau sedang mencari. HAPPY DUTY Lathe Machine - TAKIZAWA Model: TE-60-12 Year: 2000
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Jual Mesin Gerinda Tangan 4" Bosch (GWS 5-100
Jual : Perkakasku : Etalase : Informasi Produk : Mesin Gerinda Tangan 4" Bosch (GWS 5-100) Daya Listrik 580 Watt Ukuran Batu 4" / 100mm Ukuran Sikat Mangkok 3" / 75mm Kec. Tanpa Beban 11000rpm Ukuran Spindle
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2011/10/28 · NTN ZKL B1516FULL COMPLIMENT A&S A 100 INA SKF B1516/HMEC A&S A-100 Nachi SKF B-1516-NS A-JOHN A100 Torrington SKF B1516OH A-JOHN A-1000- RBC CX B1516 OH ABC A 1000 HA
26.0 - 50.0
Country Manufacturer Equipment name Capacity (litres of oil) Price code Power (kW) Other information Brazil Braxinox Brazil Equip Industr Ltda INDUSTRIAL FRYER ETE MM 220 40 4 36 Saveiro Comercio e
2011/10/28 · NTN ZKL B1516FULL COMPLIMENT A&S A 100 INA SKF B1516/HMEC A&S A-100 Nachi SKF B-1516-NS A-JOHN A100 Torrington SKF B1516OH A-JOHN A-1000- RBC CX B1516 OH ABC A 1000 HA
26.0 - 50.0
Country Manufacturer Equipment name Capacity (litres of oil) Price code Power (kW) Other information Brazil Braxinox Brazil Equip Industr Ltda INDUSTRIAL FRYER ETE MM 220 40 4 36 Saveiro Comercio e
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