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Bontang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bontang is a city on the eastern coast of the island of Borneo in Indonesia, in the province of East Kalimantan. It occupies an area of 497.57 km2, and the population was 140,787 at the 2010 Census. However, the 2012 Civil Registry listed the population of the city as 175,830. (Indonesian) www
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Country Profile 2008 - BOI : The Board of Investment of Thailand
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Astra International
1990/04/04 · Starting as a small trading business founded by the brothers William Soerjadjaya and Tjia Kian Tie, PT Astra International Tbk has developed into an impressive conglomerate that operates predominantly in Indonesia and forms the largest listed company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX
Goldman Sachs Investment Research Legal Disclaimer
Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research Company Specific and Other Regulatory Disclosure General Disclosures Ratings & Definitions Coverage & Disclosure Privacy Policy
Country Profile 2008 - BOI : The Board of Investment of Thailand
ประทานบ ตรการทำเหม องถ านห นในอ นโดน เซ ย แบ งเป น 3 ล กษณะค อ-1st Generation of CCoW (Coal Contract of Work) เป นการให ประทานบ ตรคร ง
Direktori Perusahaan Perikanan di Indonesia Akademi is a platform for academics to share research papers. Home Log In Sign Up Type to search for People, Research Interests and Universities Searching Direktori Perusahaan Perikanan di Indonesia more by Akademi Perikanan Sorong
Astra International
1990/04/04 · Starting as a small trading business founded by the brothers William Soerjadjaya and Tjia Kian Tie, PT Astra International Tbk has developed into an impressive conglomerate that operates predominantly in Indonesia and forms the largest listed company on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX
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