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Bosowa Corporation
1973/02/22 · PT Bosowa Resources is exploring new ventures in coal, nickel and tins to further expand its investment in the mining sector. The group's mining products include limestone, Silica, Clay & Trass. The group is also involved in the mining and production of marbles with the capacity of 4,500m2
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NPI Evolution & Influence on Nickel Price
2013/10/9 6 © SMM. All rights reserved. Smelters with RKEF are mainly distributed in costal provinces 3 11 RKEF Plant Distribution and Typical Process Electric Arc Furnace Rotary Kiln Dryer Kiln NPI Wet Ore Laterite Ore Mining −
Ore Export Ban Is Definitive, Official Says
2014/01/02 · Sukhyar, the newly appointed director general of coal and mineral resources at the Energy and Mineral Resources and a production operation mining business licenses (IUPK Operasi Produksi) must process and purify minerals mined in Indonesia. Article 170 states that contract of works holders
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Ore Export Ban Is Definitive, Official Says
2014/01/02 · Sukhyar, the newly appointed director general of coal and mineral resources at the Energy and Mineral Resources and a production operation mining business licenses (IUPK Operasi Produksi) must process and purify minerals mined in Indonesia. Article 170 states that contract of works holders
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